New Changes for 2020
Watch our webinar on the 2020 changes for the University of Cincinnati
What's Changing?
Four vendor choices offered for all future contributions to the (ARP) and Traditional 403(b) program:
( AXA, Fidelity, TIAA and Voya).
New Investment Options:
provide you the ability to create a diversified investment portfolio.
New, lower cost investment options and a new fee structure:
will make it easier for you to see the cost of each investment option as well as fees paid for plan administration.
An enhanced employee communication and education program will be implemented.
A new online portal will be available for enrollment, vendor selection and for viewing plan balances.
(These changes will be effective by July 1st, 2020.)
What Isn't Changing?
Employee contribution rates
Eligibility requirements
Employer contribution (ARP and Grandfathered 403(b) Plan)